Chambishi mine in Zambia, owned by Non-Ferrous China Africa, announces an increase in the production of copper and gold.
Non-Ferrous China Africa (NFCA), a subsidiary of China Nonferrous Metals Corporation (CNMC), has announced a rise in copper and gold production at its Chambishi mine in Zambia’s Copperbelt Province. The mine’s copper output grew from 62,300 tons in 2021 to 67,600 tons in 2022, an increase of over 5,000 tons. At an average copper price of $9,000 per ton, this generated about $608 million in revenue. This marks the second consecutive year of increased production for the mine, with copper production up by 18,675 tons compared to 48,900 tons in 2020. Gold production also increased from 51kgs in 2021 to 54kgs in 2022, according to a report from the Ministry of Mines and Minerals Development.
The growth in production is expected to bring success to the town of Kalulushi if local authorities can negotiate proper deals. Non Ferrous Company Africa Mining (NFCA) was established in 1998 as the holding company of Chambishi Copper Mine as part of the privatization of Zambia Consolidated Copper Mines Limited (ZCCM). The company is majority-owned by China Non-ferrous Metals Company Limited (CNMC), which holds an 85% share, while ZCCM-Investments Holdings holds a 15% share.